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Post-vintage Vauxhall saloon car on a family picnic

Most of the cars that feature in this period car photo section I've been able to identify, but I'm not sure what model of Vauxhall we've got here..

Old Vauxhall parked in a field

I've got two similar pictures showing this old Vauxhall, this is the clearer of the two and shows more of the car than the other pic. The verticle slats in the chrome grille suggest a later model than the DX, which is what first came to my mind when I saw the photographs. However the DX has a different style of grille centre, so I think this must be a different Vauxhall, either from the late 1930s or perhaps just after the war in the mid 1940s.

Unfortunately there are no notes on the reverse of this pic, so I'm leaving it to experts on old Vauxhalls to come up with an id for this car! Other cars are parked in the background, so it would suggest this was a popular spot for a picnic. Judging by their clothes, and the fact that several of the car windows are open, this photo must have been taken one summer, probably in the late 1940s or 1950s. The registration is partially covered - EML ?30 I think.

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