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See Homepage. This page: Pre- and post-war Standard 14 saloons, including one towing a 1940s/1950s Eccles caravan.
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1. Standard 12/14hp car.

This photo is from my own collection of images, purchased from various outlets over the last few years. Slightly hidden in the first photo is a British Standard 12 or 14, of the 1930s. The waterfall grill is just visible.
Standard car
No notes came with this photograph, so I scanned it in at 1200dpi to have a closer look at it. The car, parked behind the subjects of the picture, is a British Standard, with a six-light (ie 3 windows per side) coachwork. Deciding on the exact model has me a little foxed, I'd guess that it is either 12hp or 14hp, certainly larger than the small 8s and 9s. It has the waterfall style grille of the Flying Standards, and large headlamps with painted bowls fitted to the front wings.
A quick look on the Standard Motor Club's interesting website didn't bring up a match.
The car on the left, registered 36.708 has B.Aires at the foot of the number plate, suggesting Buenos Aires, capital city of Argentina. The 37 suggests a date of 1937, or shortly after. A close look at the hubcap fitted to the rear-mounted spare wheel says Mercedes Benz. Alongside is a car of American build, probably a Ford or Chevy.

2. A post-war Standard 14hp.

Happily there's no guesswork involved with this car - a Standard 14. The FUS registration confirms that it spent it's early years in Glasgow, and was registered sometime after May 1948 making it a post-war example of the 14 (the bumper blade is different on pre- and post-war 14s). Just visible in the windscreen is an aftermarket demister, although perhaps it wasn't too efficient as the wipers are 'parked' below the screen, suggesting that it had been open recently. Did FUS 427 survive? Thanks to Paul for this picture.
Standard 14

3. A 1949 Standard and an Eccles caravan.

David emailed this next photo over, it shows his parents stood with their 1949 Standard 14 and the Eccles caravan that it had towed to Scotland.
A post-war Standard tows an old Eccles caravan
David goes on to say: "I thought you might like this photo for your gallery. It is of my mother and father with their 1949 Standard 14 and Eccles touring caravan (sorry don't know the year of the van). The photo was taken by me in Scotland during our August 1957 family holiday. I was ten at the time and was using my Kodak Brownie 127 bakelite camera that I'd received as a present for my tenth birthday. This was our first caravan touring holiday and we went caravanning in Scotland for many subsequent years. I recall us being in the Cairngorms and the Standard's clutch begining to protest at the gradients, Dad opened the sliding roof to vent the clutch smoke! By 1958 the Standard 14 had been replaced by a Standard Vanguard phase 2 and the Eccles by a Fairhome Goldfinch touring van. The Standard was registered JPT 215 and the Vanguard that followed it RUM 946, it was the Vanguard that I learned to drive in". Thanks for sending that over David.
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