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1. Mark 2 Jaguar 3.8 litre

One of the most popular Jaguars of all time, the Mk2 Jaguar. According to a note on the back, this is the real deal - a 3.8 litre example, most sought after of all Mk2s today. Is 952 UVT still with us? The history of the Jaguar Mk2 range, successor to the Jaguar 2.4 and 3.4 Mk1, is well documented across the web, including at this site, so I'll skip the history here.
Mk2s gained notoriety as the favoured wheels for gangsters in the 1960s. I can just make out a branch of Barclays Bank in the background, so if this Jaguar is involved in a heist, they've got a bit of legwork to do before they can make their escape! The lack of a getaway driver in the car, sucking on an Embassy No.1 and nervously checking his rear view mirror, suggests that this car may just be in 'normal' use. It looks like a sunny day in the early 1960s, the windows are open in the Jaguar so obviously there was little threat of someone swiping the car, or something from within it. Perhaps the owner had nipped into the clothes shop visible in the background, where various flowery 60s garments can be seen on sale. More likely the gallant owner is frequenting the Chemist next door, treating their spouse to a dash of fine perfume. Barely visible in the photo, behind the Jaguar's roof and in the entrance of the chemist's, is an example of old-style coin-operated scales, which used to be a regular sight in '60s and '70s Britain.
Parked a little further up the road from the Mk2 is a Bedford CA van, registration 207 XFW. Note the pleasing lack of signage, no 'Do Not Park' signs in sight, or yellow lines on the road. Bliss!
Mk2 Jaguar 3.8

2. A Jaguar towing a racing car, Crystal Palace.

This next black and white photo shows a Mk2 Jaguar, sporting the appropriate registration RPM 905, parked in a 1960's race paddock, with a trailer hitched to the back, and a single seat racing car (Lotus 21? or 24 perhaps?) perched upon it. Does anyone recognise either car, or know who owned RPM 905? Alongside the Jaguar to the left is a Hillman, while to the other side is a rare Mk2 Ford Consul estate car (by Farnham), also with a trailer and race car behind it.
I'm sure anyone who followed motor racing in the 1960s will be able to identify the venue - Crystal Palace perhaps?
Update. Six years after posting the following photo, back in 2011, confirmation has just landed in my Inbox from Jonn, who adds the following thoughts:
"Hi, the image was taken from the paddock showing the spectator area and old upper terrace back across the circuit at Crystal Palace. It would appear the car on the trailer was a Superspeed Conversions Lotus 20 Ford (28) driven by Peter Ashdown (September Trophy Formula Junior Race 2nd September 1961)."
(Please click the thumbnail to view full-size image.)
Mk2 Jaguar towing a Lotus racing car
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