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See Homepage. This page: A horse-drawn cart and a Renault Juvaquatre camionnette negotiate the roads of Paris.
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Renault Juvaquatre van (camionnette).

In its homeland, the Renault Juvaquatre van was commonly referred to as the Juvaquatre camionnette, or the Juva4 camionnette. Although I've never driven one, visually at least they are perhaps my favourite small van of the post-war era, with styling - from a distance at least - similar to that of the final Austin 8s and 10s. In the following shot, a Juvaquatre is seen heading away from l'Arc de Triomphe in Paris, being careful to avoid the single horse-power cart being driven by a hatted gentleman, or gentilhomme. The photograph isn't dated, but as the van version of the Juvaquatre wasn't introduced until 1948, it confirms that this photo probably dates to the late 1940s, or more likely the early 1950s.
(Please click the thumbnail to view full-size image.)
Renault Juvaquatre camionette in Paris
The saloon car version was introduced in 1937, the early cars being powered by a four-cylinder sidevalve engine. Production of the car didn't halt entirely during the war, but was at a much lower level than previously had been the case. After the war, production of the saloon continued until 1948, when the replacement 4CV came on stream. By this point, 1948, the useful van version had just been launched, and was followed in 1950 by an estate-car variant to further vary the range. For a brief time in 1952, production of the Juva saloon was re-introduced.
As the Juvaquatre's design was more conventional than the rear-engined 4CV, the latter was produced as a saloon while the van and wagon versions of the Juva continued in production alongside the newer car. The estate car, or Break Juva 4, continued in production until 1960, being replaced by the Renault 4. In its final year of production the model benefited from the replacement of its ancient sidevalve engine, with that found under the bonnet of the Dauphine.
There are still plenty of Juvaquatre vans to be found in France, and I've half a mind to go and buy one sometime.
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