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Armstrong Siddeley Hurricane tourer.

Three lovely old photographs showing a family with their dhc Hurricane, at various locations across Europe during a continental tour.

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Armstrong Siddeley

In no particular order then - the first photo, shown above, sees the Armstrong Siddeley (A-S) tourer parked at a roadside, outside the Cafe Du Commerce, and local Tabac. A note on the reverse tells us that the location was Nancy, France. The Tabac sells all manner of useful wares - including 'Cigarettes et Tabac D'Orient' and 'Cigares de Luxe de la Havane' (Cuban cigars).

There is a number on the door frame of the tobaccanist's shop, 1948 - perhaps the date of this tour? this style of 16hp Hurricane was produced in 1945 through to (I think) 1949, so '48 could well be the date of these photos. The car looks very clean in this photo, so must be washed quite regularly. The Cafe seems to be very popular with the locals too, although few seem taken with the classy British car in their midst - most seem to be staring off to our right at something. The registration of this A-S is CD 340 - a diplomatic registration perhaps?

Hurricane 16hp

Next is a photograph of our tourists alongside the Hurricane, this time with the folding roof up. Note the glamorous attire of the people in the picture, very movie star! The location of this photo is Fiesole, which sits on the hillside overlooking Florence in Italy. They are parked outside the Pensione BenCista, which, remarkably, still exists in Fiesole (they have their own website which can be viewed here). Photographs (link) showing the hotel are also on the site, one of which shows the entrance to the hotel, with steps leading up to it. The photograph above shows the same entrance, in the background to the right.

Armstrong Siddeley Hurricane 16hp

The final view shows the Armstrong Siddeley negotiating a windy mountain pass, unfortunately I can't make out the note on the back saying where this was.

This manufacturer is often spelt incorrectly - it is Armstrong Siddeley, not Sidley, Siddely, Siddley or any other variation!!

Update. I contacted the Pensione BenCista and advised them of the photograph above, showing their hotel. I've had a couple of great emails back from Beatrice Simoni, and she also sent me the following photographs, also taken outside the hotel in Fiesole.. The first photograph shows her grandfather, in front of the house, with a guest back in 1955 - notice the other cars behind them, mostly Italian although there is an early oval-window VW Beetle on the right side. The main car in this photo is a dark coloured Citroen ID19, forerunner of the DS range. The registration of 7200 GS 75 suggests that its elegant owner was a visitor from Paris, France. The same entrance in the Armstrong Siddeley photograph can be seen in the background of this picture also.

Citroen ID19 car

Lancia Ardea
Beatrice's second photo shows her mother and father on the day of their wedding, June 30th 1954, just as they were setting off on their honeymoon. The car is a five speed Lancia Ardea, of 1952.

Cars outside the Pensione Bencista

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