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1925 Standard V3 tourer.

The gent in the following photo had plenty to be cheery about, as alongside him is a fine example of a vintage British tourer, in the distinctive form of a circa 1925 Standard. I did a little research on this old photo some time ago, and came to the conclusion that it's a Standard V3 tourer, although I couldn't find any photos online of an identical vehicle. If someone reading this can clarify the exact model, and who built the coachwork, that'd be useful, thanks. The registration is an Ayrshire issue, it ran for a long time and ended in November 1925, very likely the year that SD 8984 was issued.
I can find photos of other V3 tourers, but none with the style of windscreen and scuttle that's shown here. The latter has a pronounced kink along its top edge, which is matched by the lower edge of the windscreen, the corners of which have a very distinctive curve to them. Later V3s have an opening scuttle vent ahead of the screen, whereas this car has the earlier arrangement with the fuel filler in that position.
(Please click the thumbnail to view the full-size image.)
1925 Standard V3 tourer car
The spare tyre isn't troubled by any tread depth that I can see, and the cover on the o/s/f corner isn't much better. The headlamps also appear to be aimed skywards, perhaps in a bid to illuminate road signs and owls at night, rather than the road ahead. Life was much simpler in the vintage era, speeds were lower, and traffic congestion outside of the major towns and cities was negligible. I wonder how long the Standard remained in use? It doesn't show as being registered now, so chances are it was broken up, ending its days being stripped of any valuable parts (such as gauges, and the lamps) in a scrapyard before being set fire to in a bid to dispose of unwanted trim, before the remainder was chopped up with a gas axe.
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